Oh aye! Come Awwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnn!!!! Well lookin forward to this!!! Expectin to see promise @ its best tonight! Gonna be WIKKID nite - hope to see u all there
i'm half looking 4ward to this!! the other half of me is telling me to crawl into my bed & die! but i shall b in attendence tho!! but my car will b as well!!
I cant w8, got mammy making my dress now....so excited.....mmmmmmmmfergie .....dont know what to type i'm so excited...
fergies good man. keep your mind open and just enjoy it. if ya think about it too much you wont even give him a chance
nat mate, i would have loved to come, but ive got my 3 yr old daughter staying the weekend, and im doing stuff with her, r u comin to my bbq/pissup, theres loads of people from here coming, it should b quality. later dude.