Community Payback (WE GET TO VOTE ONLINE It seems this hip happening Government are giving or look like they are giving us this chance to say what we want low level crims doing in the community: A new campaign has been launched to let you know how to have your say on what criminals do to pay back their debt to society. Visit the Community Payback website on Directgov and vote where offenders will be working and the kind of work they will be doing. Community Payback Community Payback is a punishment that can be handed out by the courts. It's demanding work, carried out by criminals in the community. Offenders have to wear bright orange jackets marked Community Payback, so you will see them paying back for their crimes. Community Payback projects can include: * litter removal * clearing dense undergrowth * repairing and redecorating community centres * removing graffiti. In 2008, as part of Community Payback: * roughly 55,000 projects were completed * over 6 million hours of work were undertaken * work valued at £34.5 million (if paid at the minimum wage) was carried out To vote go to:
very poorly thought out and worded by THE GOVERMENT if i got told to wear a orange lumo wasitcost with "community payback" on the back id just say FUCK THE COMMUNITY and be more likely to try and shit on society at every oppotunity. It just creates a more US AND THEM mentality with the cons, dumb fucking suits
I think it is just wrong area's competing for Crims to improve there estate. It is not X-Factor ffs. The fuckers even have a disclaimer on the voting page: Disclaimer Voting ends on 24 April 2009 at midnight. The winner will be announced in early June