Comics Did u subscribe to any Comics when u where a kid? I used to get The Beano and Battle Action Force every Thursday thru my letterbox
You just COULDNT read BOTH Dandy and Beano it was the law. Iv just ordered 2 "Charlies War" books from Amazon ahhh the memorys
Re: Re: Comics ps i am two years older then you but look about 8 years younger so stop the digs Nicolas
I loved getting the beano and dennis the menace annuals. I still get the Oor Wullie annual as well occasionaly for christmas.
I used to just buy spiderman and incredible hulk from local shop. I remember wanting to order the obscure gadgets out of them lol. Now i just buy viz.
VIZ ! and what was the viz for kids again ? was it ACME , came in green rather than the red or purple viz , damn it i cant remember !