College & University??? What y'all studying @ college and uni? Music wise? What is best, if someone was anting to get into the music industry i.e. management, record lables, night club promotion, wise? Then also the Production and DJing aspect of it all? Any advice? :spangled:
The probably route would be to do a BTEC National Diploma in Music Technology (2 years), HND Music Production (2 years), then stick another year on the end of that with gives you a BMus degree. Although depending on your age, you may be able to do a TBCap rather than ND, which fits everything into 1 year. Newcastle college (John Marley Centre) is the best place round here for doing them, altho you may need to meet certain qualifications guidelines. I needed 5 GCSEs @ C or above, and a relevant qualificiation (NCFE Music Technology) If you give Newcastle College reception a call, or drop in soemtime, they should be bale to tell ya all ya want to know Unfortuantely the management and promotions side, you're going to have to teach yourself
there are better course around the country.. my m8's doing a degree in music production in london who have direct links with record companies/bands...
Yeah but that's London. Outside of London, with the possible exception of Manchester with the Technics Academy, it'd be hard to find somethin like that
I would suggest the college of music in leeds, they do some great music production courses there, and leeds is a great place to start out if you want to go down that route, there's so much going on. In terms of getting some experience, it really is about who you know. It's not like jobs are advertised in the local newspaper or over the net, it's quite internally done and who people put forward as the best candidate and have faith in the most. Show some interest, maybe you could start flyering, or start on their sales desk team and progress from there. Good luck.