Cohabitation - rights? I've got a female friend whose currently cohabiting with her (now ex). She wants out.... but the house/bills all in his name. Shes also got a mobile and car insurance all under his name and wants to transfer everything into her own name. She contributes to all the bills, pays the insurance and mobile rental its just all in his name. Shes obviously willing to square up with bills etc and get out. But hes being a cunt and aint playing ball.... Anyone got any advice cos I know nothing about this kinda stuff at all?? What route can she take? Can she transfer anything without his permission based on circumstances? :spangled:
if he's being a dick then she's the one with the power cos she just stops paying the bills and leave him in the shit. she should run up huge phone bills and hell be left with them. hes a bit of a fool putting everything in his name though :spangled:
hes moaning bout the phone bill as it is!! As for putting it all in his name think it was a power thing. havin her rely upon him to sort everything. She regrets doing it all now like..... I agree she should just walk...........
im not really too sure why she's gutted?? all she has to do is buy a new mobile and get some new insurance
i am sure i have heard somewhere that if u live with someone for 2 years or more u get rights similar to married couples but if she has nothing in her name she cant prove she was there can she? this bloke has done everything right and good on him theres no way id let a slut get anywhere near my pot of gold
that reminds me, Ness gets hitched tomo, iv made a mental note to delete him from my phone book in the morning.
PRINCESS JANE not true you are either married or not no such thing as common law partners you can live with someone for 25 years but if your name ain't on mortgage, bills etc you may as well have popped in for a cuppa tea.