Clubs in Glasgow? Im goin for a pissup in glasgow from thurs-sat, there any good club nights up there on the friday nite?
Go to Full On. Thats where i went this friday and it was totally class!! very underground but they like the hard house hard!!!!!! Its deffo worth the trip!!
It's a pity you aint there on Sat nite - Slam are doing a 5 hour set @ Arches........and them boys rock!! This Friday @ Arches is a nite called 'The Funk Room' I think Hope you have a good one bud, if you aint been to Glasgow before you'll love it......... I promise
I would certainly recommend Full On The Arches really should only be done on a Freefall, Inside Out, Pressure or colours night. The rest are really crap. Try Room at the Top in Bathgate (15 miles along the M8). It is one of Scotlands superclubs and Saturday sees Arrmin Van Burrin, Friday is a good night there also. Most clubs are going througfh an R'n'B phase, but the bars are class. Try Bamboo on West Regent St. It is a bar/club full of funky music. Mikey
well ill check them all out, get train tommorow morning at 7!, me thinks ill start drinking very early, like erm now
This Friday it can only be the SUB CLUB! Deep house through to techno.. LOVELY!! Going out this weekend is a tough one. The weekend before xmas is never a busy one in Glasgow.. Boxing night right through to the 3rd of Jan is where all the maddness is at!!