Clubbing in Amsterdam recommendations?! Hello! Any clubbing recommendations for Amsterdam? preferrably city centre.
The last couple of times ive been ive seen Van Dyk and Kanzyani advertised as being on here... Club called Escape on remblandstein (sp) square in central amsterdam. Worth checking out
Club 11 lineups are lethal. Delsin hold regular nights there as well. Also check:
i'll have to be careful with these all-dutch websites like! I may plan a night that includes such lovelys as above, but fear I will end up with her pal.. Anyone know any general rules on where the Gary's are in Dutch clubs?
Walk over almost any foot bridge over the canals in the cntre and there'll be a balck dude in the middle selling them
very true, but i'd extend that to say that every 50 feet after it gets dark, there will be a black dude selling them
very true, but i'd extend that to say that every 50 feet after it gets dark, there will be a black dude selling them
I am a lucky-lucky magnet, no matter where in the world I seem to go! Its just with the amount of THC in my system, the A'dam dudes can get a little intimidating! I think the garys are getting sorted via a dutch bloke I worked with that I've managed to get in touch with