Cloakroom queues!!! I know its winter and most people take their coats so why dont you open the other hatch (the one where normal paying people paid) and have more staff collecting their coats when it comes to closing time? Scenes last night resembled Hillsborough!!!! Not good Just a thought.
Here Here Piss take actually - wouldnt care but people were just pushing in left right n centre and nowt was happening to them - cocks
I'm a jack of all trades so naturally I've run a cloakroom in a big club. The cloakroom in foundation is badly designed, you can't really fit many staff in there without them getting in each other’s way. It would make a lot more sense if the queue was controlled so that the whole thing was a bit more orderly. IMHO!
Tha man speaks the truth - put any more people in there and they will simply end up tripping over each other. however a better queue system could be implemented... :groovy:
I have ran cloakrooms to As the cloakroom in Foundation has limited space they need better a system than the old favourite 'GET TICKET, GET COAT'. This is how I would run it : 1 person on the counter getting the tickets off the punters and shouting the numbers out to 1 or 2 gofers. The gofers would get the coats and pass them to the person on the counter to hand out. The person at the counter would also keep an eye & control on the very front of queue and member/s of the doorteam would be near for a bit of physical presence. Also would it not be better if the cloakroom queue went up the stairs, as at the moment it blocks the main entrance and causes a bit human congestion. All the memories of making people wait till the end of the night are flooding back. The Spence
the simple is answer is to do what i do: go out with someone who works at foundation, and get her to put your coat in for free, works every time!