Claire! What a small fucking world! Right, I was on gaydar about 5am just looking through some profiles and came across a lad I thought I recognised. He's a lad who I know from Manchester who I know through another lad. So I pmed him and about a minute later I had Gary ringing me up, he's only his house mate! Gary was on the pc at the time and saw it first. Gary was in abit of a mess bless him, and he's playing at Frantic tonight too, god help him Told him about us going to North Sunday, he shall be there, and hopefully he'll drag the lad along with him as well the lad!
hahaha! what a picture! yay! It'll be nice to see gary again, I don't think I've seen his since the last time we were at north... we really should make an effort to go see him when he's playing out sometime too. You know my little mate Ray, well I think he's just bought a load of garys old vinyls, I know he was off to meet him at base in leeds on wednseday night to try to arrange it anyway, get in there with that lad.... ooh wonder if that other lad who looks like him off holyoaks will be there this time??
Yeah I remember Ray, and how could I forget the hollyoaks lad from North *swoooooooooooooons* I'll definately keep my eyes peeled on sunday for him! I was suppose to go to base last wednesday to see Gary, was all set then Jess let me down and couldn't go so she says We should do it 1 wednesday and I'll let him know and get it sorted.