Circo Loco 10th Anniversary cd's.....

Discussion in 'Music' started by Granty, Jul 18, 2008.

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  1. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Here and there.....
    Circo Loco 10th Anniversary cd's.....

    The Tanzmann cd is class. Really good track selection. Builds and flows well, then ends on a high. It's got "Lohn & Brot" (Tobias Remix) on too, so that keeps me happy.

    The Melchior one (what I've listened to so far) has loads of great tunes on it but, played together, they are very repetetive and samey. At least the first 20mins is anyway. It's a quality afters cd though and is definitely for when everyone has lost all sense of time.

    Gonna finish of the rest of the Melchior cd tonight and listen to the rest over the weekend.
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