Cigs this could be construde as illegal, so i better word it correctly... has anyone been on holiday and brought back and tabs they'd like to sell? Regal kingsize required. it's bin ages since i've had any cheap ones ... 4.50 a shot is starting to hurt the old wallet... it's worth a gan.
Reggie Tall-Ones R£Gal |<1|\|G51Ze aRe F0r OlD WIfEys AnD 13 YeAR OlD S|<00L GIrLs... SMoK3 DuNHiLL oR CAPsTAn FuLLStReNgTh, IF You WeRE A ReaL Man YoU'D sMokE a PipE LikE Me... I Do'nT Know, K1DS T|-|£Se DayS DoN'T KnoW ThEy'Re Bl0oDy BoRn...