Christmas what is every1 asking santa for xmas????? my mother is getting me either a wireless internet connection for my laptop or an ipod or a fucking mintos coffee machine like those in STARBUCKS i am asking richie's mam and sister to get me a yoga kit and dvd between them and i might ask someone for a nice pair of Caterpillar boots!!!
Tft Monitor Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks Chelsea Home strip looks wicked top! Replay Jeans if they fit me
i have a pair of slippers on at the mo............ .....they are magic roundabout DOUGAL slippers....they are mintos
I'm not askin for anything.. I much prefer buying presents to receiving them.. I think I might be a little wierd
no not wierd, me too but i do still love recieving even though giving is better i have everyones but richies decided now anyway so i dont have to think about it
i want another 19" monitor to match my other one, probs get a 360 after christmas to with money, also want lots of new clothes haven't bought any for about a month, think i'll take my mum to manchester when i get home to buy me loads of stuff.
Already got a brown bomber leather jacket for xmas which im not allowed to wear ...not sure yet what else to ask for
my mam bought my boots, skirt and top the other day for xmas but im wearing them now, im not patient enough to wait til xmas
Christmas presents embarrass me - I think they are only ever good when they are from girlfriends or really close friends where you can feel some emotion and thought behind the present. Other than that, i'd rather just get vouchers for places like Next and M&S so i can buy stuff for work that im too cheap to buy with my own money. Socks, Shirts and Ties.... 'ave it.
Most christmas presents are just bought for the sake of it and are things youll never use and are a total waste of time and money. Don't really see the pooint in buying people other than mam, dad, close family and a gf/ bf cos like Brid said they're the only ones that will actually make an effort in buying something you'll like rather than a 'smelly' set which will sit in the cupboard for years gathering dust until you decide to give it away to someone else you don't like