Christian Smith & Ben Sims - Essential Underground See, now these CDs are the kinda Techno I like. Most of them anyway Highly recommended to the Technoheads
Ben Sims is in Ibiza when i am..Broony tells me he is good U like these cd's Allie? U feeling okay :tounge: ?
Ben Simms is one of the best techno DJ's I have seen as for Allies new love techno...It was just a question of time
Im surprised though! Thought it was house or nothing Have u seen him? He is playin wiv Picotto n Chris Liebing on a wednesday
seen him a fair few times, he's really good if you like techno anyway They are playing Privilage, that's place is just way too big. The music wont sound too good.
Nice one 2 the first thing To the second...lets face it...i doubt me and Mr Bracken will be in any fit state to give thaaat much of a fuck... Roll on 7th of august! :groovy:
home to my bed, I had been at work for 12 hours and was done in. Was good to meet you btw I shall be at the next gathering next night I'm off work
Yeah it was really nice to meet you to! :groovy: Thanks for taking me aswell! The next gathering...i will keep you posted! Work
If I could steal back my thread from your 'friends reunited' moment, I've never said I didn't like Techno, I just said most Techno bores me These CDs however, are quite decent. First half of Christian Smith's disc is the best though