It can be done yourself if you're savvy with a soldering iron... you can get the chips off the net and they usually come with instructions on how to fit them. Not sure anywhere in town 'advertises' that they do it anymore... best place to try would be green/grainger market
Hylton Road, sunderland... there's a pokey little computer shop just near the start of it... they do it.... also
I know someone that will do it for £30 but the chip is only £15 and it's dead easy to fit- pretty damn hard to screw it up
How can screwing an xbox back together be hard Its a piece of piss to take em apart and put em back together. p.s. you dont physically need a chip, you can flash the TSOP and ftp from pc to xbox a new bios
Did you even read my post??? I said it's pretty hard to screw up, not pretty hard to do- flashing the TSOP means you can't use it online and is pointless when the chip is so cheap and easy to fix.
They were only ever £20 when they were first released- you can get an xecutor 2.6 which lets you play any games and homebrew for £16 or something. it supports booting games from hd etc and does anyhting you'd eed it to do unless s you;'re after doing a lot of modification- (lcd screens etc) You can switch it off to allow online play and it's a doddle to fit. There's nowt suspect about it like.
A) I was being sarcastic. B) You can use it online when the TSOP has been flashed using various programs such as X-Link Kai and Xbox Connect. Xbox Live is shit anyways.
That's pretty cool- I sold mine a while back cos I onoly use my GameCube / PC but I'd maybe kept it if i'd known