Cheapest place to get DJM600? anybody any ideas? after silver, brand new, probs mail order/internet purchase.
nice 1! i was down there in summer for their open day! Was sodding boiling! Definatley do the best deals!
only bought it, brought it home, to find out my mum knows someone at Pioneer and could have got it way cheaper! sod s law!
whats it like? ted is gettin one for £300 off some bloke.... i want ot have a go on one! i havent really used my new mixer properly yet! ted lost my headphones @ weekend, so i didnt get to play!
tis wicked, loads of toys / features to play with, trying to work out how to match the beats through the headphones, ie. get the volumes/levels right. if anyone can help tell me please, cos i m too lazy to read the bible sized instruction manual!:duince: Gettin there! Tis well worth the money! Gonna try avoid using the BPM counter though, its cheating
is there an LED display for levels? i use that to get the levels right pre-mix.... u will use the beat counter .....i did on my old mixer, they makie mixing sooo much faster......cos at least you can get it it the right area quickly, and then do the fine tuning with your ears....handy when u want to do a perfect cd as well!
yeah aint had much time over the weekend to mess about with it... will do this week though. Def not gonna use bpm counter, rather train my ears, i like a challenge, and making things hard for myself Also, cant afford any more tunes for a long time... ah well, it ll be worth it!