charv music gone a bit quiet at the mo so i thought id get this off me chest. wot is wif this sudden up-surge in pants vocal cheesy trance?? lago, ian van dahl, flip n fill, dee dee, kelly lorreno etc. wots goin on????:spangled: this is y me m8s imitate the big fish lil fish movement wen i put a mix tape or cd on. dance musics gettin a bad rep cos of this shite. just wonderin if any1 felt the same...
spose id actually haf 2 agree wif ya there but y cant we just get a decent radio station like ministryofsounds on digital down south. galxy - best 4 dance n RnB? hmm....
i would rather have that playing and getting the youngsters into our music rather than the crappy rock shite they listen to!! they all turning into goths and are trying so hard to be different that they all ending up the same!!pah!!
even if it is shit and pointless and probs the lowest form of music on the planet (maybe above contry and western.. onlee just tho) but.... .. its what the kiddies/wanabeclubbers\tw@ts\chavas want.. its what they will spend there precious pocketmoney on... and this is what the faceless record companies want.. the money.... they dont care if the music is shite.. they just want the £.... and the kids want singalong dance songs they can singalong 2...the repeating vocals of lasgo.. etc is what they like 2play out of there novas/sheds with wheels they aint gonna learn ever..
yeah but to be honest unless you actually know someone who is into 'proper' dance music you aint ever going to get into it if it wernt for this 'shite' on the radio. say when delerium was out millions bought it, and they would have seen that airscape and tiesto did mixes. so whenver they say other delerium/airscape/tiesto stuff they will be interested cos of their associations, and they will gradually get more and more into it!! they may like a couple of radio tunes, and start listening to jules and fergie on radio1, then think they might go to a proper club and see them play, and may have a class time and start going out every week..becoming a clubber i guess!!! everyone has to start somewhere!!you dont just suddenly wake up and going to listen to quality trance only from now on do you!!
all that gets played on my radio is fecking travis, eminem, lincoln park and poxy poxy r and b... I actually get excited when I hear charva trance
same here!!not bad for radio songs!!some of it aint bad either!!anyone heard the flutlicht mix of will i??u will be soon when i play it!! sounds like a case of thinking your a cool clubber so slag off the charvers to me!!
I used to hate it when I heard a cheesye tune dropped into a real set... but now I love it What I wouldn't do for castles in the sky@classics night
ive long campaigned for castles in the sky!!what i would have give to see matty h play it at sss last year!!!grrr @ me having exams!! yeah a bit of cheese is nice and cheerful!!!it annoys me when people go clubbing a few times and decide they are cool when they still infact charvs and start slagging off other charvers who are probably far more into their music etc!!
a good example is on my crasher bus there's always trhis group from boro!!they total charvs really, dress in charver etc hate cybers but really they are all top lads, great crack and they been going clubbing for ages and really knwo their stuff!!they amazing hard trance djs too!!its funny to see the little half cybers get on and refuse to look at them cos they think they charvers, yet they dancing and complimenting thier tapes etc!! hahaha by the way, you should have seen the abuse they give the candy kid after gg!!!