Champ Manager For those of you who let this game rule your lives, i have good/bad new depending on how you look at it. Was in a shop in Eldon Square today and noticed Champ Manager 4 for the PC now has a release date. It hits the shops on February 28! Prepare to slowly destroy your social life. Prepare your excuses now for missing many days off work. And for those who are students, prepare to fail your course cos i dont think ur gonna be attending much.
LMFAO ha ha ha - how true is that I failed me GCSE's coz i was a thick cunt and also coz of the fact that Champ Manager took over me life i remember them Swedish players who u used to sign n then they turned into wold beaters with fucking clauses in there contracts Unreal game that - hope its out for PS2 too
Each version of this game has fucked up a different part of my education. Champ Man 1 fucked up my GCSEs. Champ Man 2 did for my A-levels. Champ Man 3 buggered up me uni course. Now Champ Man 4 will probs lose me ma job. Many a time ive said to myself "il just play one more game then go to bed", only to repeat this over and over until i suddenly notice that its light outside and people in my house are starting to get ready for work.
Unreal game that - hope its out for PS2 too [/B][/QUOTE] Tis a unreal game but games like that r so unplayable on consoles
That was the second release date. We are now on the THIRD setback release date. The X-Box is a cut down version........ I make my best swoops in the Bulgarian thrid division so I need the FULL VERSION!!!
Id been lookin at them lists they have in computer shops, and the lists had always said "Feb". I went in today and it said "28 Feb". Got my hopes right up. This happened with Champ Man 3 i remember, was gonna be released in Oct or something that year, and it kept gettin put back till it eventually got released in March or some ridiculous date like that! :evil:
Seems pointless bringing it out so close to the end of the season though! Dunno if I'd rather wait a few months longer and have it ready in time for start of next season (release late August with all updates etc instead of having to get patches)
i wanna play this!!! i used to play sumthing similar when i was a lil un on my bro's comp!! i used to love playing these games & i was gud at them 2!!! mite have to invest in it!!
It's SERIOUSLY bad for your love life.... more addictive than smack imo too! haha Can't remember how many times I've stayed up till gone 4am just to play 'one or match' or try and sign someone!
I haven't really got into CM3, dunno why!!! CM2 was awesome tho but sooo addictive, i was always like "i will play one more game then go out.....and one more then.....nah, one more wont hurt". That usually went on for a number of hours until it was too late to go out so I had to stay in and play champ!!! I will deffo be getting CM4....bye Clare!!!
I remember when I took a day off work to buy CM3 on the morning and have a all day session on it and when I got to the shop the release date had been put back the BASTARDS. I was at the shop for it opening, I couldn't believe it. It really does take over your live, I think I only spent about eight weeks at school in the last 2 years, totally fooked my life up hehehe
Will deffo be getting champ manager 4 im addicted to number 3 at the moment heaven help me when number 4 comes out.
Have you seen the demo for it? It looks well gud. It looks like it's changed a lot from CM3. U can watch the games and everything. Just hope it's still as gud.