CD Auto Start/Content Menu Is this hard to do? I'm wanting a menu type thing with the cd contents to pop up once the cd is inserted. What software do I need? Is it difficult?
Re: CD Auto Start/Content Menu Write a program that you want to appear on the disc being inserted. Failing that you can do a webpage and get IE to load it upon insertion. You then need to create an "autorun.inf" file and drop it into the root directory of the CD. Inside this file you need the following text: Where autorun.exe is the program you want to run upon the disc being inserted. Winner
ah right so it can be pretty much any sort of program...?? A flash menu, webpage, etc.... As long as the code in the autorun.inf refers to it?
No, not always... i've done it before - there's a little program to download - hang on - i'll find it
check my bad self : not if you want IE to open a specific HTML page... this is how i've done it in the past
I've opened web pages on the CD before using the following syntax: "systemroot:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %1 (where %1 is the html page name). there was a different syntax for IE under 98 but I can't remember what the hell it was...
i'll have to bow out there... i DID get that information off my boss who could never work out how to do it, and i'd googled and found similar issues - so this seemed to work...
Macromedia Director is the boy when it comes to interactive content on a cd-rom.. If you can use falsh you have a good chance of being able to use director.. albeit without lingo..