Castle Detox here's my pic's from detox antics, but i'm not posting all of them cos most of them are of richie hope you enjoy... Convoy de Detox rickety old detox bus struggling to make it the hill THE CASTLE The knight of the round table wooden thing in freemasons lodge type chill out room richie and his new record bag infront of traditional fireplace in afore mentioned chill out room richie checking out the furniture scarey bloke in tartan pants?? a collection of people discover castle kitchen and it's utensils and create astounding music mozart would be proud of. Absolutley wicked and pleased i didn't miss it guess who, doing guess what, in guess where?
more...... richie checking that more furniture is to a good standard Addie asleep during his own set once again back at the chill out room addie an hour later when he eventually woke up outside of the castle at night, when you couldn't see your hand in front of your face it was soooo dark and richie with a tourist'esqe style pose drinking fountain Smurfmeister he he he he i already cant wait for the next one!!!! BRING IT ON! Detox organisers are 's, specially melt
Nice pics hun !! I think last nites was class but i reckon thats just a taster for things to come , knowing melt the next one will be bigger and better !!
god i didnt even realise that it was you! doh! I had a go with richie's record bag and pulled it roud the " common room" in an air hostess stylee
whos the fucking idiot in the small of kitchen pot n pan band was fun,bout 30 people near the end of its session (10minutes+)
Nice one mate I cant believe Richie was able to get into that icle cupboard!x I cant believe he was the one in that mad costume when he had something on covering his face I got a pic with him maaan I didnt even know who it was! doh!
forgive my ignorance but i'm finding it hard to work out who is who, can you click n drag a photo across so i can see who you are?