The one your dad ordered for your mum is nice. I might be getting your Almera, do you want my corsa? (dont mention that to them yet)
A3's are lovely cars, superbly built and fantastic to drive. The RS3 is just an extreme beast of a car
no choice in it bri, cost cutting exercise.. company car innit. i'm ill today btw therefore im on here..
the almera is actually a really nice car to drive nass its MY car at the mo that im practicing in so hands of!!! love my dads new one!! heated seats !!!! you put the hand brake on by pressing a button i can assure u he wont be letting u drive this one sunshine was just wondering cause ive never seen an A3 didnt know what theyre like just got told thats the one shes getting
your dad drove an Audi A3 Quattro 3.2 litre at 145 mph down the A19 with the woman from Audi garage in the back seat, we held hands and shared a moment together. i think the one he ordered for your mam was 1.6, but its still good. i've not been in the new passat yet but i've seen it in the garage and they are some car for what he's paying - excellent value for money. want my corsa? I need to sell it for £2800. .. no? too common for ya? it taxi'd you around for ages! im rotten today too and i have to go into work tomorrow, 2 appointments..
the poor woman!!! i wouldnt spend that one my 1st car (well he wouldnt) i might just wait till next yr before i go to uni to get a little car dont really need one at the min as havent passed n got the almera when i do for now
getting one on monday. 2.5 tdi. lovely cars... propper old man motor though, but getting used as taxi so can put up with the image i reckon! can't wait like... well quick for a diesel too!!
For a first car, always get a second hand motor for the first 6months/a year... it's a fact kids don't really respect their cars when they first pass their tests and often rag them or/and prang them. After the first year, THEN go spalsh 8 large on your first 206/tigra/clio/chic car
so is everyone... till the "well... it was his fault, he wasn't watching where he was going... it was only a little knock.."
was just wondering what they were like cause my mam is gettin one i'd quite like a little saxo or something