Re: Careers? Strategic Partner Technical Support is my title, wish I could be arsed to tell you what it's all about. It's well dull
Systems Analyst/Developer/Programmer i guess..... And am not a nerd/goody goody! We're rebels Mick aint we :evil: :evil: More lives than a cat springs to mind
i wish i'd done better at college cos then i wudn't b working in bt's callcentre sellnig broadband for a living...i am how ever going back to college part time in sept so i can do AS level business studies, A level psychology & a counselling course too!
probs derwentside so i can do nite classes after work!! basically i need to get off my arse & do this so i can do the job i want!! i want to work alongside psychologists in a prison looking at behavioural patterns of the inmates to c if theres a link to their crimes!!
I work for and don't see myself being here forever, I want to do something in the music industry but its very hard to break that sort of thing
i work for Purves Ash architects in newcastle and im doing an HND in Architectural technology at Northumbria university part time.
Atm I work for a bank in a call centre. Pile of shite, but have handed my notice in and and gonna bum around until the new year til I go to Australia for a year!! I also fooked my grades when I fell in lurve, * is violently sick*. My mam offered to let me off with my board if I went back to college, but that just left the car loan, credit cards, store cards ...... the list goes on!! Ideally I would love to teach, ages 5-7.