cant concentrate at work! hehehe, cant think about anything but how quality tonite will be, i ve already eaten all my lunch, and cant get anywork done Anyone else the same?
slightly different to gobbling up spunk, but on the same lines... heres a story that was in FHM... a lad was out on the piss one night in london, and got on one of the last tubes home, with all the other drunken passengers. Opposite him was a fairly good looking "city working" girl, who had had a few too many drinks and had crashed out on the tube. Next to this chick was a dirty tramp who was also passed out, and had his head sorta over the chick's lap. While the tramp was fast aslep he dribbled or coughed up some phelgm (greenie) onto the womans arm (she was still asleep so didnt notice) when she finally woke up, she saw the greenie and greedily and quickly gobbled it up, thinking it was hers time of lunch
Re: Re: cant concentrate at work! my dear, i look forwards to seeing your man, whats his name, Hogg? but not that excited
I blagged early finish too Supposed to finish @ 2:45 - got out @ 12:05 tho......gotta wait for dam courier now tho! Between 1 and 5 - better hurry up cos a wanna get out
Re: Re: Re: Re: cant concentrate at work! Indeedy! Quality fella!!! Genuine as they come Remember sittin tryin to listen to sunderland newcastle match earlier in season in ade's kitchen... hahah - u hadda be there i guess but funny as fuk!