can you get? a programme that would copy a pick then be able to post it in paint in 8bit colour or wotever?
duno what the hell your on about still print screen it and take into paint and set to 8bit or whatever and crop?? that what ur after.... or get fotoshop
For example, u seen that e4 draw thing? can u get a prog so u can copy and paste a quite detailed pic in n it looks like uve drawn it (but cheated) :laugh: (that only uses 2 colours purple n white) know wot i mean?
nah not seen it..... off to a good start there and duno if theres any progs about... could probs get what ur after with some filters in photoshop tho..
here: could u paste a pic into the anyhow? coz sum of them have been mint?
nah u cant paste anything into the flash file and u cant do anything on the submit page... ... easy enuf to fake one like... if u cud paste... ur scribbles gash like?
lol, i sum must take ages though, n i though i was sad :laugh: gotta be away though life is all about cheating!