Can anyone help? As part of my course, I have to design a web site for an existing small or medium business/charity/support group etc. As I am planning to do mine based on someone in the North East, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on who would like/need a web site in the area as I am yet to find anyone myself. Cheers.
hmm its hard to find places like that becuase they are new they can not afford websites so dont advertise that they want one im doing my dads business oen soon pick a small business like a record label etc that doesn thave one or a mates business if you knwo any with one that way you can get all the details
make a company up lee that fits ur brief best.. then just fake letters/fonecalls etc.. its easily dun.. trust me
im doing two websites for college , 1 for greggs and 1 titled 'clubbin up north'. BUT in the college sylabysses video shops allways seem to be popular organisations for website management. hence the amount of videos can be helpful to create links.
You can do my Website if you want? PIKE PROPERTY SERVICES "THERES ALWAYS SOME TOE RAG NEEDS SOMEWHERE TO LIVE" Ill even pay you if its good.