Can anyone help me out I'm at college and all the work I need is on a disk in a zip file but the shite computers only have an expired trial version of winzip on them. Can someone either tell me how to remove the zip file association with winzip (by default windows xp lets you open them without an actual program such as winzip) or can someone gimme a serial key for winzip 11.1? Or alternatively is there an online unzipping service? Cheers
Ah, I forgot to mention that the college has all sorts of the usual restrictions including no downloads/execution of .exe files. It makes perfect sense to me tbh.. provide thousands of students with a trial version of winzip that expired about a year ago but don't let them use anything else. I wouldn't expect them to fork out a tenner for a license or anything.
earlier versions of winzip allow you STILL to open zip files, you just get a message saying you need to buy it - but u can skip past it. surely there's tech's there to help?!?!?!
You'd think so. Asking for any sort of tech help is the beginning of a trail around college campus to various departments at which point you get told "Actually, you want to go to *insert random building and room number here*, not here." That's exactly what happened when I needed to have my password reset. The person in charge of the computer section I was at said nobody in there even had admin rights and couldn't offer a solution. @Frenchy - You can't execute any .exe files regardless of how they're received so I've just left and came home to do it.
maybe late but for future ref. if u can right hand click on ur restricted acct, u should be able to select 'open with' and untick the expired winzip as default program. xp will unzip the file for u i think!
Nope. I was looking for something along those lines but there was only winzip in the list. @hebburnite - I'm not sure if there was an option to untick. just to choose a program.