Camp David tonight Habit Warmup Party from 7.30 with DJ Quicksilver, Mike Tyson and Wesley Snipes be there then onto see the tech house ninja Lee Budgie @ Cosmic Ballroom
How did you get on last nite mate - it stay busy? How much did we take? The bpm's were rattling along when I left - sounded spot-on!!
Well, when you left everyone else decided to do one as well. Dean stayed till about 11.30 so ended up doing something of a marathon set. It did rattle along very nicely esp between 1045-1130 when the harder stuff came out. Rob had left so there was no one to moan It stayed reasonable till about 12 ish (30 or so upstairs alone). Will text you the news when I can be arsed
Fair play mate - glad to hear you kept it boshing!! I was waiting for those ladyboys to start putting in requests
Half the cast of little britain Nah none of them did although we did get asked for 'Paris to berlin' again.....
Who was that?!?!? Sounds good mate - see you at Green Festival sunday yeah?? Think I'll be nursing a major hangover but hopefully sunshine, stella and techno will clear it