Cameron's speech at the Tory conference Rather good I thought. Well delivered, crowd-pleasing and lots of focus on differences between Labour and the Conservatives. Of course this needs to be backed up by policies, and its on the basis of those that I shall be deciding who to vote for at the next election. Also, a stroke of genius getting John McCain in, when you're used to seeing Bush as the face of Amercian politics, it was truly refreshing to see someone with a little intelligence.
do u tune in for party political broadcasts?? i just cant see why any human would want to sit and listen to perfectly presented and delivered bullshit,
It was after the run, News 24 was one, and the remote was on the other side of the room I do have a passing interest though
it was a very bland speech which offered nothing in the way of serious policies. issues like immigration, independence and taxation have always been at the heart of tory policies, yet Cameron purposly shyed away from such issues... he realised that howard, hague and smith all failed because they alligned themselves with traditional tory values. Cameron is avoiding any serious policies as he is shit scared of losing what little respectability he has... how can you take seriously a politician without policies? The UK doesn't need an immitation Blair.