Calvin Harris - I'm not alone [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] This tune sounds like a trance tune from years back but a can't remember which one!! Help iz b4 a go daft!! It's got me head well boggled!!!
Aye Thought it sounded like Rank 1 - awakening at 1st, definitely sounds like madagascar at a 2nd take.
They both sound like it tbh. Is this the same lad that did that 80's tune? Cant believe Shindig booked him, whats all that about?
The first few notes in the Harris track are exactly the same as some in Madagascar. But for arguements sake we'll just say both cos that lead sound is probably the most over used in trance anyways.
I was going to post that awakening and madagscar sound similiar anyway so it was simply both ... however I've just spent the past 20 minutes searching my computer/youtube for another track that sounds like it which is stuck in my head
Haha, ive just done the exact same thing there. I would have definitely said Awakening at 1st, though the more i listen to it sounds more like Madagascar
its the chord sequence to madagascar but the synth patch to the default trance sound i like the track
The track I was looking for was David Forbes - Questions Must Be Asked I knew I'd remember eventually it's been doing my head in for days. Like Dan says though, loads of Trance tracks use that same sound.