C.s.i. Anyone else watch this on c5? If ya don't then ya should defo tune in tonight at 9pm. Personally i think it is one of the best american tv imports ever.
Never heard of it! What's it about? Used to work night shift so never got to watch evening tv! Glad I got a new job now!!!
Think I'll have a watch then! Nothing else on, is there? Some football or other but I forget who's playing...
Me ma watches CSI and says its real good, think i'll start watching it. My fave US import has to be Sopranos :evil:
Re: C.s.i. is that the prog we watched that sat nite dunc? if so it was alrite..........if not it was still alrite but not that........
AGREED!!! I just watched episode 14 of series 2 last night and its proving tonbe even better than the original