Bye Bye Mr. Computer ive given up. my computer is getting slower and slower. spent 7 mins on the 'welcome' page this evening, never mind the bout 10 mins b4 that with black screens. im gonna reformat it and start again. my mate has sum space on his pute, so hes gonna put my important stuff like photos and college work on his while he duz it...but theres just no room for all my collections. all 3 series of family guy. loads of KOTH's Red dwarfs and stand up. and 16 gig of The Simpsons. 2 years of downloading them and theyre all gonna go ah well...c'est la vie...ive loved them, now i haev to let them go.
Re: Bye Bye Mr. Computer Buy another hard disk. Problem solved. One of these would do it.
my mate came over with his to put them on, but the computer wont accept it. presumably the same reason it wont accept cameras and printers. but i got 8 cds so can save sum of them. ah well. got them till thursday now...pity i have to go to work
No, it's totally different hard/software that controls the hard disk to cameras etc. Don't let anyone format your pc until you get a backup of your files. If you buy a new hard disk you can install windows on that one then just copy the files off the old disk after.
crackin idea. Sounds like it's be compromised to me if it's taking ages to log on and acting weird. Makes sure you've got all the patches - and a recent virus scanner with uptodate virus definitions. Also, when cleaning it, turn the system restore off. This is the problem nowadays with XP so full of holes - everyone is having problems - and the majority of people don't know how to fix them. I spend a lot of time helping people fix their computers out of work time - every grannie and their aunty seems to have a PC thats fooked at the moment. It always seems to be the same problems - People get a computer with XP thinking it's going to be amazing and easy to use, get the internet - be it broadband or dialup, they're not patched, Virused/compromised within hours. PC broken. i'm glad i don't work on the support lines for someone link PC World or Tiny!
they should be crucified for sending out such flawed and bugged software - it's effecting millions and cost so much in lost man hours and maintenance costs.. it's a conspiracy!