Buzzing turntable! Please please help! One of my turntables makes a buzzing noise which is really annoying and I think it's getting worse! When I touch the tone arm though the buzzing goes pretty quiet but is still noticible. I've got the feeling it isn't ground properly but can anyone tell me how I can fix it at home?
Cheers for replying man.I've checked the headshell connection and it is tight. Used four different headshells and they don't make a difference! When I take the headshell out of the tone arm the buzzing goes even more crazy! It does sound like there is a bad connection/loose wire somewhere in the tone arm, I'm gonna take a close look when I get back from work. Till then have you got any more ideas?
Have you got it grounded to the mixer? If you have then there is probably something wrong with your tone arm
its alright mine make a vibrating noise when the pitch slider is in the red, and when i return them to green it stops
The only connection I've got between the turntable and mixer is the white/red audio cable. I've got a feeling there's a problem with the tone arm as touching it with anything conductive changes the sound of the buzz.
Was it just chance your motor went kaput or do you think it was related to the buzzing. I don't want my PD1s to go through the same torture!
there will be a ground lead from the turntable that needs grounding to the mixer - or sometimes amps also have them
Can just use any old piece of wire, and connect it from a metal part on the mixer to a metal part on the deck.
yes you can, and for the record i can't believe you haven't got you decks grounded, if the electrical current somehow passes to your hand while your on the decks and it aint grounded your dead.
i really couldn't tell you mate, all i know is it was buzzing, then one day just slowed right down during a mix and stopped lol, sometimes when i turn it on it seems to run for about 20 seconds then does the same again lol
lol doesn't sound good! Re: ManOfScience FrenchWilliam & Alexander Thinking about it, I can't believe my decks aren't grounded either! I'm gonna see if our electronic department today and see if they got any wire lying around I can use. Cheers for the help guys, was a pretty simple solution in the end
That’s crap; most mixers/decks aren’t ground to the mains as they use double insulated transformers to step down the voltage of the circuit boards and motors, so there is no risk on mains voltage going though any of the outer case. The voltage in the tone arm is only is around 7 micro volts, so no chance of electric shocks. The ground wire is there to stop static interference, which only happeneds on deck because the signal for the cartridge needs to be amplified so much.