Busiest Nights at Promise... Which were they? Because maybes it s time to get back the DJs that have rammed Promise out in the past... Mauro Picotto-Oct 2001 JFK/J00F-Oct 2001 PVD-Dec 2001 Lucien Foort & Matt Hardwick-Jan 2002 Mauro Picotto @ 2nd BDay-April 2002 Jules-Everytime he plays Are the one i can think of, when Promise has been in danger of bursting at the seams...
Re: Busiest Nights at Promise... Mauro Picotto @ 2nd BDay-April 2002 thats the fullest ive seen it before
Sasha - June 2001 ish John Kelly / Eddie Haliwell May 2002 was quite packed. Corvin / John Kelly Sept 2002 was busy i think (or at least the dancefloor was). Scott Bond Oct 2001 (Gatecrasher Digital album launch) Seb Fontaine Dec 2001 (and probs any other time hes played) Also seem to remember Seaman and Deruyter May 2002 being fairly busy. Though that could have been something to do with the fact it was advertised as Timo Maas (someone the general public might have heard of) but he cancelled last minute.
No, these are good things! The more people the bigger names we'll get! I d much rather see a sea of people hands in the air, than looking around to realise theres no-one in a 5m radius of you.
Just remembered also Hardwick and Scot Project October 2002 being busy. And the xmas party one as well - Hardwick, MIKE, Kitikonti.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Busiest Nights at Promise... i swear ive seen his photo in a news of the world sex spread.....