Bush vs Saddam Instead of a war, i though Bush and Saddam should have just got in a ring and slugged it out After all its only between them two anyway really. But who would win? I go for Saddam. He may be about 10 years older but he looks like hed pack more of a punch. Bush would have Blair as his conrnerman, though he wouldnt be very good at it. Cos instead of telling him what hes doin wrong, he would just agree with him and say hes doin fine.
bush is cross eyed, couldn't hit anyone. anyway being american he would probibly miss and hit blair by mistake, and call it a friendly punch.
saddam was brought up on a diet of kill any fukker that stands against u, whereas the president of america r normally known to shag anything that gets in your way. saddam would win, but the sooner our soldietrs kill the fukker the better.