Burning Cue Sheets Right, Ive got a set with a cue file that i want to burn onto CD. Everytime i load in the cue sheet as an image into Nero it comes up with some error saying it cant write the file. Does anyone know of any other readily available programs that burn cue sheets. Im new to all this cue shit. Ta
what is the exact error message.its possibly an error in the actual cuesheet that needs to be edited.
Its probably something simply like the file name or extension is incorrect.. Or the directory name is incorrect.. Open with Notepad and have a look..
I've always found Nero to be 'iffy' with cue sheets. I use BlindWrite and never have any probs. (if there is an error with the cue sheet it quotes the line number too which makes it easy to edit) Another prog is CDRwin. Very basic but very reliable also!
Right the error is "cannot open file blah blah blah.cue" Then i press ok Then it comesup with an erorr then (line3). does this mean i have to change something in the cue sheet?. Im new to all this so i need a dummys guide Cheers
Or look at another cue sheet and compare the 2. As they all should follow a standard layout. It will probably be something to do with the file name/location if if thats early in the cue sheet.
line 3is normally the file name copy the filename of file to be burnt open the cue sheet using notepad paste the filename between the " " on the third line if it doesn't already match