Bumpage a new night called BUMP featuring dj bump mc bump it needlessely and ive got fuck all to say but will bumpety bump bump nonetheless PRICE 10 imperial space credits thanks and good night :angel2:
yeah and all the party poppers you could ever want stephen, i hope you didnt get another stripey jumper for xmas?
i got 2 lovely shirts in the next sale this morning i may wear one for PROMISE on new years day did we mention it was on NEW YEARS day thats jan 1st 2007 people BUMP
i would just like to announce that mr bump and little miss giggle are our new residents for 2007 well they will be once we have actually launched our event
morlison = pure hardcore very impressed by your triple pack of fun dation, 2 many djs and promise marathon clubbing sesh :evil:
fuck me no way could i do another night out i thought promise was good like would have worked EVEN better imo , if that event last night had been on 26th or 27th Dec just after xmas a classic boxing day shenanigan would have went down a treat i was all partied out by the time yesterday came round and the none public transport shite was a killer