bullying my housemate is getting bullied by the bosses where she works and there are rumurs going around her office she cant tell sienior managment as she says there all in on it and wont give a fuck is there anyone external she can go to who would take it serious and do somthing
quick that rarely works, they are normally on the side of the company my advice - make sure you join a union
It should be for your first port of call if you get no response from your line manager as all contact with HR is recorded and this is vital if the case goes to any kind of tribunal. Was involved in a really horrible bullying/racism case at my last work and the HR department were brilliant.
not always true.. at my last job, I handed my notice in two days into my induction (as I'd been offered a better job). The management tried to make out that I'd walked, and that I shouldn't recieve a months pay (when in fact they took my notice and then escorted me out there and then). the HR dept were brilliant, and were not only able to confirm my version of events was correct, but gave me the full months wage. And then they slapped the manager who pulled the stunt with a disciplinary hearing. most HR departments are seperate from the management structure at local branches and are less likely to be influenced by management pressure
up yours luckily wasnt me getting bullied, nearly had to go to court to give evidence as a witness..would have been well grim.