budget cd deck Has anyone used a decent cheap cd deck???I want one for bedroom use but its going to be a year or more before I can get pioneer so was wondering if theres any cheap ones while im waiting. My experience with vinyl decks are that cheap ones arent to good if you use them regular it the same with cds???
Re: budget cd deck Pretty much. It's the same with the names too. My mate and I splashed out on gear at the same time two years back, he bought a set of KAM cd players and a Citronic mixer, I bought numark players and mixer (his was about half the price of mine even though they have similar features.) Two years later and you can guess who's stuff is still working You get what you pay for, seeing as you already have vinyl you're probs better off getting a single desktop player instead of twin cd decks. This should be the place to get you started on looking.
You can get a Numark CDN-22 (Twin CD) for £149 from DJStore. This is what I've got at home, they don't have any effects (looping etc) but they're very well put together and they're easy to learn on. I'm getting a DNS5000 at the end of this month, should be fun to play with