Broken CDJ-800 I discovered a fault with one of my CDs last week - Since it was under waranty, I arranged for it to be sent back to decks Basically there appears to be no power at all to the unit - I have tried different fuses/leads but no joy... tested it and they reckon that there was no fault found even after testing it for 3 hours so have charged me £15 to sedn it back. Just got it back this morning and guess what... Still doesn't fucking work!!! IF you listen carefully to the unit you can hear the PSU so it must be receiving power but, no lights, no display and won't accept CDs. When on the phone yesterday, they said could be a problem at my end... Like what? Anyone got any ideas? Will be speaking to them again to today!!!
Re: Broken CDJ-800 Some PSUs are internally fused (they certainly are on PC's anyway). You can't check that without opening it up though. It's also possible that any connectors between the PSU and the unit may have worked themselves loose, again you can only find out by opening it up.