****Broadband Help**** According to that speed test mine is running at 285kbps when it should be around 3500kbps I think I might have changed the MTU Settings using that Blueyonder Support Tool how do i get it back to normal??
from what I can gather BY are having big big probs since the "speed" increases..... if u want a tinker tho check here
Re: ****Broadband Help**** Speed tests test download and upload speeds You will not get 3500kbps down stream mate unless you are on some kind of uber campus network.. What connection are you on?
Re: Re: ****Broadband Help**** i am downloading at an average of about 50kb/s should i change the MTU speed thing or ring blueyonder?? i am on 1mb bb with blueyonder but meant to be 4mb now i just read on another message board that someone from the West Road is getting the high speeds and i am about 200metres from West Road so reckon you are using the same exchange
I see! My bad in that case, but when downloading on a 4mb connection you will not get 3500kbps, you will get about 440 ish..
Not sure wheather its our connection or the router but i'm only getting 24KB/s down and 13Kb/s up. Not exactly great when it's meant to be a 2M connection and even worse if the upgrades been done. :evil: