British Army pulls out of Iraq on the quiet? You might have missed this as its hardly getting the coverage it deserves but we have/are pulling out of Iraq. WHAT THE FUCK? The biggest war you lot have known and its not even front page? Whats peoples thoughts? Is swine flu a cover up? are the troops getting pulled back to police the streets after the the pandamic?
I was just about to post this, disgrace as I hadn't heard anything about it just came across it as a minor headline on the bbc news website.
The government love to bury news while people are pre-occupied with something else. 6 years of war and nearly a million (or over a million) dead .... And for what exactly. A bit like Rumsfeld decided to announce the pentagon couldnt account for over a trillion dollars of money it had spent on the day of 9/11.
everyone's far too arsed about this fucking flu faff on. populist headlines shifts units and all that. shame really tho, it did need a bit more coverage - could of been the first in the running order on the TV news as well it means we'll have greater numbers for Afghanistan. (Iraq Vol:IV)
they read out the names of the dead on radio 4 news. It went on and on and on. I think this has been the most useless waste of life in the history of british warfare. Tony Blair should be tried as a war criminal. We are seen everywhere as a poodle of the US. it has increased the chances of terrorist bombs in theUK and acheived nothing. The ignoring of the biggest demonstration in UK history has eroded faith in the democracy we are supposed to have and made everybody cynical. Afghanistan is the next chapter in this sorry saga. We will have our arses kicked in the end like every other foreign power who have tried to beat the afghanis since Roman times. I hate to see the people on this board signing up for the army to get shot to fuck in this sorry pantomime.
About fucking time we were pulled out i say, im glad. This flu is probly a load of Bollocks to take the attention off the pull out
From what i've heard from the lads I know in The Army & my possible future career is that Iraq is fuck all compared to Afghan. Thats the place noone wants to be sent to
it's only a matter of time before everybody that's pulled out of iraq will be on their way to pakistan...
Iraqs a walk in the park compared to The Gan.... didnt you know? Iraq you can not hear a single shot fired in yr tour while in The Gan you will come under fire while lining up outside the plane. The Taliban are good fighters too more expirenced and motivated than any of our lot ever will be. The Iraqis couldnt even hold a gun never mind pose a threat. Afganistan is the real thing bubba and seeing as its the only theater left, unlucky. Ps. Do prof soldiers actually say "I dont want to be sent there"? pathetic
Nah, the majority of them thrive on being sent out to fight the ragheaded bastards & would much rather have a great chance of being killed rather than serving there time in Germany etc. Same in any job, majority of folk would rather go in for a easy quiet day other than graft there fucking balls off everyday although the army & civi jobs are completely different categories a million miles apart.
its not ANY JOB its the fucking armed foces what would you think if you heard a copper saying "oh i cant be arsed to chase that mugger" I repeat, any soldier that says that is a pathetic faggot and shouldnt have signed up
about a third of pakistan (west of peshawar, along the afghan border) is pretty much as much a threat, if not more, than afghanistan. the khyber pass and landi kotal is more than likely where osama bin laden is, and it's the international centre of al quaeda/taliban training camps...
Really... How many times you done a tour of duty like? It's far from a walk in the park, one of my good mates who's now in a specialist division of the Marines (148 Battery) says it's as ruthless as Afgan, granted it's calmed down a tad now but only difference being in Iraq is that we have a little more respect over there from the locals, the Americans are hated for their ways, which is so scary now that we've pulled out as it spells to me this has the potential to get worse not better. 1st tour he did over there he was on a patrol, got shot at & looked above his head, seen half a dozen bullet holes in a wall, he said he stood there & pissed himself uncontrollably, shaking etc... the thought of that sends shivers down my spine. He's been back out 3 times now, 18 months of his life spent over there & he hates it, shits himself everytime. It's so easy to sit here on a message forum being able to so casually pass them off as 'faggotts' for not wanting to go when in actual fact you've not done an honest days work in your life? The living conditions on base over here are bad enough, it's worse than jail & I speak from experience. I couldn't ever begin to imagine how hard it is for them over there to do their jobs whilst contending with everything else they have to.