Bring a £10 to Vuzz tonight for Orbit jaunt! Give it to Gav Vuzz if I am not there! Get a witness when handing over the cash!
you know how you said you might be able to get discounted entry. you wanna try and get it for some of us crazy cats who will be driving down from boro???
Ill speak to promos next week - might just be able to get the coach goers discounted tho. Ill see what is said.
Re: Bring a £10 to Vuzz tonight for Orbit jaunt! i'll not be at vuzz but make sure you've def got my name down or I'll piss on your hat
Re: Re: Bring a £10 to Vuzz tonight for Orbit jaunt! just get 1 of ur kittens to piss on his hat (if u meant literally odf course!!!) cos it'll smell badly!! & if ur really lucky it mite poop too!!
:evil: twat ok then, any of the people owing me cash and at vuzz tonight wanna give tfish a £10 of me, either that or pm me your acc no and sort code pike and I'll send you a tenner online. does charge per transaction?