Breakfast Club I am starting a new night or should i say Morning with a few friends @ Basement We are trying to get a 4am Start so people can carry on after the likes of Retro and Goodgreef. But for the first few we will be opening at 9am (should be fun) The launch party is Sunday the 11th of feb 9am Prompt with full licence! The music will be good Fucking House Music with some of the best Local Djs around to start off with. Would anyone be up for it!
I had to reply to this This has been spoken about - but in regards to putting one on in newcastle. I personally don't believe that the support is there for an afterparty in middlesbrough - but that's my humble opinion and a view point which could be debated no end. What I do think is certain however is that it shouldn't be launched until you have the 4am license. No body is going to want to go clubbing at 9 in the morning - they may stay until 9am and later if they have been there from 4am. But people aren't going to go home, go to bed, get up and then go back out for 9am. I have no inclination to start an argument, i'm simply giving advice as there is sure to be someone who stands to lose money if this doesn;t work.
to be fair it may run for a couple of hours or one event but the police are going to be watching even more so than a normal night out on the town. as its in the best intrests to limit crime and reduce the risk to other members of the public at that time if day. especially with a gap between people aint going home to bed, there going to get more wrecked etc and be in an even worse state than they left the cluib. there going to have a very hard job keeping it going. Would be good to have one in Newcaslte but straight after a club has finished, its most possibly the hardest licence to be granted even with the so called "24" hour system in place drinking licence or no drinking licence good luck though
thanks for veiws and some good points made which we know about. we need to do the 9am start to get the 4am start we know it will be hard but we hope that the people who would come to the 4am start would turn up at 9 so we stay open long enough to get the 4am start. we also thought people would come down around 11 and enjoy the club as people go to the pub sunday why not a club.; we are jusy going to give it ago and see what happens
Genuinely hope it works buddy - all the best If i'm ever back in the area I might even drop by, my younger sis's friend runs a night there, keeps on trying to get me to go. Matt
Not sure, all I know is that he works for goodgreef As I say, never been there - so not sure what night that would be
Good luck, but I don't think you've got a hope in hell of getting people there if you open at 9am. Once they've gone home or to an afterparty from a club, 99.9% of people won't go back out again for 9am. You would be better off trying an afternoon thing. For your sake though, I hope I'm wrong.
you are prob right mate. But we need to do the 9am to get the 4am start so i think we will have to grin and bare it till get 4am start then people could come straight from the club that is when the night will take off. Ihope lol
My sister's mate - i'm assuming you know him - unless it's you of course Think the chap's name is adam