Brass Eye: Peadogeddon Spawning from the aid's thread, and the Brass eye hi-jack - i rewatched it, if you havent here: [ame=""]YouTube- Paedogeddon! Brasseye Special (2 of 3)[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube- Paedogeddon! Brasseye Special (3 of 3)[/ame] comedy gold why they banned it is beyond me
Re: Brass Eye: Peadogeddon Wasn't really banned, Channel 4 just didn't show it again, which basically just highlights the point Chris Morris wanted to make about the moral panic over pedo's even more. I'm pretty sure Jez North is real like.
just watched it back there, and some of it is a bit offside like - however it's still one of the best piss takes going
Re: Re: Brass Eye: Peadogeddon I thought they aired the repeat a week later or so causing more uproar?
Re: Re: Re: Brass Eye: Peadogeddon Aye, thats what I meant. I remember ITV quoting David Blunkett, who said that although he hadn't actually seen it, he was outraged. Well I'm not surprised he didn't see it, he's a blind cunt.
Kids being attacked by a brain-dead robospaz wrong-cock!!! The one they did bout the new drug was hilarious too!!
"Brass Eye" Drugs (1997) Chris Morris: [reading headline] "Last one on drugs is a queer," shouts Portillo. ________________________________________ Christopher Morris: People say that alcohol's a drug. It's not a drug, it's a drink! ________________________________________ Christopher Morris: Luckily, the amount of heroin I use is harmless, I inject about once a month on a purely recreational basis. Fine. But what about other people less stable, less educated, less middle-class than me? Builders or blacks for example. If you're one of those, my advice is leave well alone. Good luck. ________________________________________ Chris Morris: An overdose of heroin is fatal - in the short term. But there has been no research whatsoever into long term effects. ________________________________________ Christopher Morris: Drugs destroy families. Well, a disabled lonely teenager, a blind mother, but a family held together by the father's crack dealing, which he uses to keep them in talking books and dildos. ________________________________________ Bernard Manning: One young kiddie on Cake cried all the water out of his body. Just imagine how his mother felt. It's a fucking disgrace. ________________________________________ Noel Edmonds: What is Cake? Well, it has an active ingredient which is a dangerous psychoactive compound known as dimesmeric andersonphosphate. It stimulates the part of the brain called Shatner's Bassoon. And that's the bit of the brain that deals with time perception. So, a second feels like a month. Well, it almost sounds like fun...unless you're the Prague schoolboy who walked out into the street straight in front of a tram. He thought he'd got a month to cross the street. ________________________________________ Christopher Morris: If time's a drug, then Big Ben is a huge needle injecting it into the sky. ________________________________________ Bernard Manning: Cake is a made-up drug. It's not made from plants, it's made from bastards.
My personal fave is the take on a Daily Mirror headline: ""Last one on drugs is a Queer" yells Portillo"
Not sure if its up on wikipedia anymore but I remember seeing a picture of a frame where he snuck a subliminal message into one of the episodes in which the words GRADE IS A CUNT appeared for half a second because the then executive of channel 4 wouldnt let him do something (his name was michael grade) Edit - just checked it out its stil up