nope. we are having a well earned break. back properly in february. have not really seen anything advertised to be honest. fancy a night out on boxing day.
Gutted Danny - last few boxing day habits were some of my best nights out ever. Understand tho .... The search for a night out continues!
Fusion tech rock trancey house with nursery rhymes looped over the top? IM THERE! Any more info on it?
just turn up free to get in but you'll be expect to make a donation to the charity its for (cant remember what it is)
timeline for boxing day wake up 10:00am - taxi to sunderland 11:45 - lambton worm for cheap beer 12:00 - modo for vodka and redbull and a face full of tits 13:00 - Sunderland V Leeds 15:00 - back to modo for post match nudity 17:00 - return to the motherland cockeyed 19:00 av some of that!!!!!!!