Bored My god I can honestly say i have never been so bored in my life i'm at work in the office and there is no work to do at all, i'm sitting here staring at the screen i am on the brink of going crazy, i have the internet but do not know what to do on it to entertain my little mind please help my sanity is begging you. :spangled:
Walk to toilet step inside cubicle shut and lock door pull down pants do the wild thing have amazing self induced orgasm go back to work that little bit happier than before
not gonna happen though, what happens if someones comes in, in the middle of orgasm what a downer that will B.
i've just thought, i'm never really bored. I get frustrated with monotonous work but never really bored. maybe its coz i'm an only child though and had to find ways to amuse myself when i was little Soph
yeah i'm an only child but i still get bored i hate being by myself wit no one too chat too its crap specially when everyone in the office is 30+ wit no crack,