Bob Dylan Theres always threads on here talking about what people listen to besides dance music, but I can't say I've ever seen the name Bob Dylan come up. Is anyone else a fan? I don't reckon anyone else can write songs like he can but I haven't got many mates (well, any) who like his music as much as I do. Surely there must be someone. And whats your favourite song? Mines either 'Visions of Johanna' or 'It Ain't Me'.
One word.....LEGEND!!!! I love loads of his songs, lay lady lay, jokerman, shelter from the storm and loads of other classics. Haven't listened to much of his newer stuff tho, is it any good?
Ooops, missed that one. I stand corrected. I've got the last two he's done although haven't really listened to the most recent that much as its just on my computer. The one before that, Time out Mind, is fooking quality. It won 3 grammy's or something. His Live 1966 Bootleg album's probably my favourite, the first acoustic cd is one of the best live performances I've ever heard.