board members @bosh TT hi everyone! could'nt believe how many board members i saw and met for the first time at bosh@ TT on sat nite, im sorry peeps i know im being cheesey and i know ive said it before, but its got to be said again promise board members are just the best kind of people you could want to meet, since i started going to promise a few years back, ive made so many great new friends and im sure you all have to. its such a world away fom the land of the beer boys and charvas. anyway sat nite was amazing, the atmosphere was electric and the full lineup impressed (eddie is the king) music was great al nite. a great nite was had by all. took loads of pics who else went? anyway gonna stop making you all feel sick, cant wait for friday nite. if eddie is the king, matt is god:worship: 5 hour set...COME ON!!! HOPEFULLY SEE YOU ALL THERE......jam'e'tron:cyber:
Promise Board Members should be sent to the middle east!!! Peace & Love would soon fall over the holy lands.....
Off the top of my head...... Me Blakey Wardy *Missy* Cyber Gee Fran Slash MK-X Purvy Happy Daz Jimmy Ness Loopsy lou Charley Rachel R U Tribal Dan Katie Jess C Geordie Lee Geordie Jamie Bracken Linzi Matt The Smoggie Crasherkid Sasha Vicious stu Not many really.....
The crack was wicked at TT, i kept fucking off from me mates cos i knew everywhere i went id see someone to have a bit of banter with whether that be sitting down somewhere or giving it big licks on the floor Maybe thats just cos i was pissed tho, shall see if it happens come friday eh :spangled:
yeh i was the same, could'nt stay in the same place for more than 10 mins, had loads of great cack with everyone
just keep an eye out for the 6ft cyber guy, and that'll be me. make sure you say hi. jam'e'tron:cyber:
did anyone think it was freezing on the bottom level on the outside of the dance floor where the bars wer, or is it just me?
I was just typing people i saw or talked too..... I didnt see Duncan or Tom untill afterwards when they and Jo were looking for me so we could go.