Blueyonder people can you post here if yours is faster/slower and what area you live in i am getting pissed off now
this is mine just over 4 meg get in Actual Speed Downstream 3737 Kbps (467.1 KB/sec) Upstream 359 Kbps (44.9 KB/sec) True Speed(estimated) 4035 Kbps (inc. overheads) 387 Kbps (inc. overheads)
done nothing to make it faster and in heaton yes, where abouts are you? when I rang telewest they said everyone will be done by the end of the year so you may not have been done yet.
Fenham , have read on another board that people on the West Road are getting the 4mb and that is literally 100 meteres round the the corner
Re: Blueyonder people When the 1st telewest upgrades came thru ages ago from 512 to 1meg or sumit i can remember u had to turn ur modem off at the plug for 5 mins for it to sort itself out , shudnt need to do it now like but id do it anyway just ancase , worth a shot !!! :spangled:
My internet is uaully good but during the last week it's been shit in sociable hours. After midnight it's ok but at about 9am its shite again. 2mb adsl here (not blueyonder) and i'm from Crawcrook. Your line speed: 71.3 Kbps 8.7 K bytes/sec
i know fucking hell thats almost as slow as dial up, think you need to ring your isp and kick off big time
and i was complaining at only gettin 30bk/s off a 512kb connection!! jesus you need to get that sorted like!
I think it may be ok again now.. it started picking up yesterday and today i've managed to send a whole file over msn Been trying to do that all week. I'm off to the farm party tommorow tho so hopefully all will be well on Monday. I dont think i even got that 8kb/s most of the time. More like 1. Or 0.3.