blue screen of death had this 3 times in the last week.what could it be...I havent installed any new hardware recently
What is the error message and stop code? Eg at the top it may say "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" and at the bottom there will be a stop code eg (and im just making this up): STOP: 0x000000D (with more in brackets) there may also be mention of a .sys file. Could be any number of things so post that info and it will make it easier to diagnose/fix
I've had similar happen in the last few weeks. It kept coming up with a message like BAD POOL CALLER or something similar. I've also had a load of messages which kept popping up to say my Windows directory was corrupt and that I should run Checkdisk which I've done, and at first it kept pulling up a load of errors, but then it picked up nothing a couple of times even though it suggested the directory was still corrupt. Thankfully, I haven't had the message for a few days though.
right click on your taskbar, go to properties, start menu tab, click customize. turn on administrative tools (if using normal XP menu you need to do it in advanced tab) go to administrative tools, then event viewer i think it will be in the system log and will show as an error find that, then paste