Blacking out been doing this alot lately. ill be sitting down then stand up to go and do somet and i'll blackout. It happens alot during the day, not just in mornings. anyone else get this
Happens to me now and then, never hit the deck yet (when sober) but can feel myself goin down and the shadows in my vision start to creep in. Get really dizzy sometimes aswell but i just put that down to standin up too quick.
Was that what you were doing at the wdding i thought you were just nervous like your quotes by the way . Stu still hasnt fogiven me yet !
it happens to me loads, nosebleeds aswell. i did it in the shower the other day, it may be due to the fact my dad was plugging my arse with an over-sized rubber duck
Re: Blacking out happened to me a few times..... did it in a first aid calss once and stopped breathing
Re: Re: Blacking out How ironic. If it's gonna happen anywhere, eh! At least if you had died the pupils would've have learned from their mistakes (not being able to save you) and gained valuable experience that could've helped them later in life
Re: Blacking out Aye ive got to take iron tablets and a watch my intake of iron, i passed out on Northumberland Street a while back, id get your blood levels checked
Re: Re: Re: Blacking out the funny thing was.... the woman who was teaching the class ran out and the class mates had to do first aid..... Luckily I came around just before the ugly girl was gonna give me mouth to mouth
Re: Re: Re: Re: Blacking out I bet you were gutted mate Bet you got home and told your mates - "Here, lads! You should've seen who I pulled in class today, proper beauty she was!!!"
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Blacking out i was taken into hospital for some check ups, then i had to tell my m8s i wasnt dead, as someone had sprung a rumour
Re: Blacking out Yeah I blacked out in the stand in sunbed the other week. Glad I opened the door just in time, so I didn't fry against the side!
omg how many people on here black out ? mmmm makes you think there could be a connection ? Wonder what that could be
blackouts could be due 2 low blood pressure coz thats what i hav and when i stand up 2 fast i get dizzy and all that !¬